The project of DEFTR, OTOKAR & ESOGÜ Consortium titled "The MATISSE Project: Model-Based Engineering of Digital Twins for Early Verification and Validation of Industrial Systems" was deemed worthy of support within the scope of European Horizon Projects.

03 Apr, 2024 00:00

The project of DEFTR, OTOKAR & ESOGÜ Consortium titled "The MATISSE Project: Model-Based Engineering of Digital Twins for Early Verification and Validation of Industrial Systems" was deemed worthy of support within the scope of European Horizon Projects.

The project titled "The MATISSE Project: Model-Based Engineering of Digital Twins for Early Verification and Validation of Industrial Systems" by the Turkish Consortium, lead by Assoc.Uğur YAYAN and consisting of DEFTR, OTOKAR and Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGÜ) was deemed worthy of support within the scope of European Horizon Projects.

"The MATISSE Project", which has partners from 7 different countries including Turkey, Sweden, France, Austria, Italy, Portugal and Finland, will be financed with a budget of 18 million Euros. The project, which is planned to start in 2024 and continue for 36 months, aims to develop a multi-disciplinary and automatic digital twin toolchain for the automatic creation and continuous verification of digital twins, especially for the verification and validation of complex industrial systems. It is anticipated that the system to be developed will shorten delivery times and increase the final quality of these systems.