F-16 Flight Simulator Maintenance and Operation Project

All maintenance, repair and maintenance of the F-16 Simulator facilities, which are located in 6 different regions in Turkey, were carried out by us for 3 years and were completed in July 2022 with an operational success rate of more than 99%. In this context, duties such as all simulators, generators, cooling systems and operational support in the facility were undertaken and successfully executed. DEFTR owes this to its experience in simulators and its expert staff.

Pilot Health Research and Training Center (USAEM) Maintenance and Maintenance Project

At the center located in Eskişehir/TURKIYE , the suitability of the pilots' health for flying is tested, and resistance training is given to the pilots in challenging physical conditions. The simulators used for these purposes are as follows.

  • EST (Jumping Chair Tutorial)
  • NVT (Night Vision Training)
  • With the G-LAB Gyro Unit, the Pilot is subjected to G Force.
  • GYRO LAB (Vertigo Training Device)
  • Hypobaric (Low Pressure) Chamber Training

Under these conditions, the pilot's pulse, the amount of oxygen in the blood, ECG, and respiration are monitored. Maintenance and repair services of physiological training equipment (USAEM equipment) are carried out by DEFTR as the main contractor.

Deftr will serve for 2 years for the Air Traffic Training Simulator (HTES) Maintenance, Repair and Improvement Service of the Turkish Air Technical Schools Command.

DEFTR, which won the Air Traffic Training Simulator (HTES) Maintenance, Repair and Improvement Tender held in 2023, will carry out the improvement, maintenance and repair works of the simulator, which is one of the few projects in its field in Turkey. The visual elements, aircraft, scenarios and equipment in the existing project will be renewed and transformed into a much more modern simulator.

Simulator Maintenance, Repair, Modernization, Maintenance and Operation